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How to effectively lay out your webpage copy


When it comes to creating a website, there always seems to be an endless to-do list! That’s why there are lots of creative folks who specialise in one area: website design, SEO optimisation, content curation or writing website copy.

With website copy, it’s not as scary as you think. It’s also not as simple as you think, but hopefully, this article will change that mindset! By setting out your webpage copy in a certain order, and maximising each element’s potential, you can create an effective piece of content to not only increase traffic to your site but keep them there. If your website copy is flat, waffly or confusing, it’ll turn people away - and no one wants that!

To help you out, I’d recommend a copywriter (ah hem), but I’ve also pulled together a quick webpage copy structure which you can use to get started.

First of all, what is website copy?

Essentially, website copy is the words written across your website including your home page, services section, product descriptions and about us. It’s the information you chose to share and what your customers will read, so you want to make sure it’s honest, engaging and clear. Website copy should be concise too, but it all depends on your topic and the particular web page it’s sitting on.

What copy should I include on my website?

I’m all for spontaneity but when it comes to reading copy, reading anything actually, it packs a punch with a set structure. Your web pages don’t have to include all of these, and you can switch up some of the elements, but you should try to include:

· Headers

· Sub-headers

· Copy

· Call to action

· Hyperlinks

· Images

Have Hero Headers

People are often drawn to a webpage or article by its header alone. Think of the last thing that caught your attention, what was the header? We're all guilty of clicking on ‘What does your dog get up to when you’re at work?’ Yes, your header should summarise what your topic is about, but you can still have some fun (depending on the theme!). When you can, consider the 4 Us:

· Useful

· Urgent

· Unique

· Ultra-specific (this last one is great for SEO)

Super Sub-headings

Not every webpage requires sub-headings, but they can add a lot of value; if your main header contains your keywords, then your sub-heading can be more playful. Or, if your heading is unique, your sub-heading can capture any SEO terms you need to include. They also help break up your content and allow users to easily navigate your site.

Craft Creative Copy

You want your copy to be clear, concise and compelling. Short sentences keep readers engaged. So, mix it up. Should you ask questions? Absolutely! Include quotes, and puns and break information up with bullet points too (Google loves these). But more than anything, ensure you focus on your audience – what THEY need to hear and how your product or service will benefit THEM.

Call-out Clever CTAs

The purpose of a call to action is to encourage a user to do something. But who likes being told what to do? Be clever with your CTAs and word them in a way that excites your audience. For example, rather than ‘click here to learn more’, how about ‘Kick-start your fitness plan’? Make sure your CTAs are placed in convenient spots too: after talking about a particular product or service, slap bang at the top of a page or even at the bottom once they’ve finished reading your copy. Whatever you do, don’t hide them!

Helpful Hyperlinks

These should fit naturally within your copy and link internally to your products and service. It allows customers to jump straight to the topic you’re talking about, without them haven’t to hunt for it, or move on and forget about it! For example, make the most of my blog writing service.

Include Inspiring images

Visuals help create a memory which stays in your customers’ minds. They also inspire a lifestyle your audience is aspiring to, or a solution to a problem they have. Remember to include detailed alt text with your images too; they support accessibility and offer another opportunity to include SEO terms.

Website Copywriting Services

Hopefully, this article gives you a bit of a guide on how to lay out your website copy. There are also plenty of website copy templates out there you can use. Alternatively, a website copywriter like myself can work with you to create engaging copy for your web pages and blog content. Get in touch and let’s find a solution that works for you.


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